ER - emergency rescue

Short description:

Emergency Rescue provides medical care, extration of injured, research on the P-R32 and a hope for the future. Their main goal is to save as many as possible. No matter who you are or what injury you have received. They also try to purge and contain any signs of infection in the area.

Being neutral in a world of chaos is difficult. They act for the greater good of the area and have been spotted to raise arms against what they see as a threat to all of society but otherwise remain helping and diplomatic.

“Every saved life gives hope for a better future”


Rescue. Help. Unselfish. Courageous. Honored. Research.


Found in the storyline.


No ammo-trade with MILSIM factions is allowed!
Read the game rules for chrono and other weapon related demands.

Access to LARP-only missions and loot.