Payments Terms and Conditions
Payment information
Mark your payment with your ticket number ( You will find the number in the booking confirmation and Payment info e-mail).
Bankgiro: 446-0531
or for international payments:
IBAN: SE8180000842029646676594
1250 SEK (Regular ticket)
1500 SEK (Vehicle ticket)
Prices are including 25% VAT
You will have seven (7) days to pay the invoice that we'll send to you by e-mail.
General terms and conditions
Please read and understand the following terms and conditions as they are binding for all ticket purchases.
All tickets are personal.
Only one ticket per person and event may be bought.
The participant must be at least 18 years old at the start of the event.
At check in at the event, the ticket buyer needs to be able to confirm his or hers identity and age with a valid ID-card (driver's license, passport or similar).
Tickets are not refundable, transferable or resellable. Read more in Event info.
If a ticket buyer does not pay the ticket within stated time frame, Inferno Games reserves the right to cancel the ticket.
The rules and team specific limitations of the event posted on the website must be followed during the event. A player that breaks the rules may get banned from the game directly and or from future games.
The ticket holder agrees to submit to and follow the instructions from Inferno Games Crew on site, for game, safety or other reasons.
The ticket buyer does not have 14 days right to withdraw the purchase due to the nature of the event, in accordance with Swedish law (chapter 2, 11§ Distansavtalslagen).
Latecomers cannot be admitted until a suitable break during the event.
The ticket holder agrees to submit to any search for any prohibited items including but not limited to weapons, controlled, dangerous and illegal substances.
Inferno Games may postpone, cancel, interrupt or stop the event due to adverse weather, dangerous situations, or any other causes beyond Inferno Games reasonable control.
No refund on tickets will be made except if the event is cancelled due to unforeseeable or uncontrollable circumstances (force majeure).