Short description:
The infected are biological killing machines, made for hunting human flesh. They spread the virus via body fluids, blood or with fangs, claws and teeth.
They feel nothing besides rage and try to maim and kill everything that comes in their path. Infected feel no fear and attack humans without any regard for personal safety. Humans fear them and try to stay as far away as possible.
"The virus do not discriminate. Young, old, weak, strong, kind or evil. It makes no difference, we all become monsters."
Plague. Infection. Zombies. Hunters. Killing. Stalkers. P-R32. Monsters. Feared.
Type: LARP
Faction leader: The infected are not so organized...
Color/Patch: Year-specific patch will be handed out at check-in.
Uniforms: All or any clothing (or almost none).
Weapons: Only boffer weapons when playing as a zombie. When playing as a "living character" the rules for Locals apply.
Dedicated radio frequencies: PMR2. 446.05625.
Base: Can camp in the settlement (as a Survivor/Unaligned) or in the safezone. Water will be present in the zone.
Special abilities: Gets extra “intel”.
Other: When you play a zombie/infected you don't have to be a zombie the entire game and get a ordinary civilian patch to play a "living" role.
The infected get access to special infected-only missions.