the harbingers - THB
Short description:
It started as rumors in the village that a nameless force of faceless men in green and red stirred around the woods of Föne. No one knew what they wanted or whom they were hunting.
Then there were signs...
Burned villages, ravaged bodies, chilling screams that reverberated throughout the darkness, and the cold silence that followed in their wake.
Few victims were left alive, trembling in horror, to recount the atrocities—the ground shaking from the hundreds of approaching footsteps, the air splitting with the crash of gunfire, and the ruthless destruction that unfolded before their eyes.
Their origins have been unknown, until now. An alliance of highly trained and disciplined ex-military operators from Legion, The Bear Tribe and other PMC factions joined forces in secrecy, and formed the organization called "The Harbingers".
Today, they stand as a force of power against the corrupt usurpers that claim dominion in Föne and wherever they go, death will follow.
Light infantry units. Territorial. Denying enemy freedom of movement. Raiding and pillaging.
New faction for the 2025 event. They have yet to make their mark upon the world.
Faction leader: Team HQ. CO Unknown.
Color/Patch: Year-specific patch will be handed out at check-in.
Dedicated radio frequencies: PMR8. 446.09375 + subchannels.
Base: In game base for play or living.
Vehicles: No.
Other: Access to MILSIM-only missions and loot.
Uniforms: ONLY Flecktarn and Pencott. No other camo-patterns.
No form or size of worn ghillie suit/viper hood/leaf suit is allowed. Foliage from terrain is OK.
Combat gear such as plate carriers, backpacks, holsters or the like does not need to match the uniform camo patterns. But bear in mind that looking to much like a hostile might get you killed by friendly fire.
Weapons: All kinds of weapons. MGs and support weapons are limited to one per 4-players in the team. See the rules on full-auto weapons.
Ammo restrictions: Ammo is restricted and limited, A player can only reload their empty mags/boxes in their base.
A player may never carry more than one choice of:
800 rounds each for assault rifles or semi rifles.
2 boxes for machineguns (max 2500 rounds/box, or one box of 5000).
50 rounds for bolt action sniper rifles.
A player may also carry the following on top of the choice above:
6 mags á 16rounds for pistols.
50 shotgun "shots" (pulls of the trigger, no matter the BBs fired per shot).
Grenades. (This includes 40mm BB grenades)
No ammo-trade with other factions is allowed!
Read the game rules for chrono and other weapon related demands.