Q: I haven't revived my invoice.
The invoice vill be sent to you up to 2h after you have booked a ticket. Check for an email in your spam folder. Still cant find it? Send an email to Ticket and invoice questions.
Q: I can't come to the event and wan't to sell/transfer my ticket.
Due to problems earlier years we have decided that we no longer allow ticket transfers at all.
Q: I have a question about the rules. How can help me?
Post the question on the Facebook page or in the Facebook group. The Crew or a player will help you out.
Q: I have lost my ticket. What do I do?
It' has been e-mailed to you. Look for the ticket in your mailbox. Still can't find it? Sen a copy of your invoice and of your payment to Ticket and invoice questions.
Q: How do I know Inferno Games have recived my payment.
When Inferno Games have received your payment you will get your ticket/receipt sent to you. It can take up to 7 days before you will get the ticket/receipt.
Q: I have paid but my ticket has been canceled. What do I do?
We are sorry to hear that the payment haven't gotten to Inferno Games in the 7 days payment period. But If you have paid its easy.
Send a copy of your invoice as well as your payment to crew@infernogames.se.
Without these attachments, we will not have the opportunity to help you.
Q: I missed the due date on the invoice and can't book a new ticket in the system, what do I do?
If you havn't payed your booked ticket for some reason, you won't be able to book a new ticket via the booking system. This is due to the fact that the system prevents people booking several tickets to one or more factions as it is only allowed to have one ticket per person as stated in the General Terms And Conditions.
This means that if you didn't pay your booking you will have to concact Crew on our Facebook profile or on the contact email. Then we will check if there is still tickets available to the faction you booked in the original booking. If there is, we will reactivate your booking and you will have to pay your booking right away. If there isn't a ticket available to the faction because the faction has been fully booked after you missed your due date we will not be able to help you.
Contact information
If you have other questions, feel free to contact us on our e-mail or Facebook profile.
Or if you think it might be something other old or new players can answer, feel free to post your question here in our Facebook group.